
I go up to the highest point on the ship today and look around in all directions.  I want to experience the feeling, whatever that may be, that comes from realizing that we are in the middle of the ocean with nothing around us in any direction.  I walk around on the smallest of the decks a couple of times until it is absolutely clear that there is no land anywhere.  I ask Max to tell me if the experience is a metaphor for anything.  I have no idea but I no that it will be a powerful image as I think about it.  As I think about this tonight I also think about my Grandmother coming to Canada from England, and the feeling that they must of had.  This ship is big and the waves are tempered by the size of the ship.  Now as I write this, in the comfort of my stateroom, the ocean beats against the side of the ship tossing it around.  The ship is something like two blocks long. The waves sound like huge battering rams slamming against the sides.

As we come down from the top deck we meet a couple just inside the doors of the 12th floor.  I say to them must go up and see the view and think about what it means to them, if it is a metaphor for anything.  She says without thinking twice that is about life, being able to see the horizon in four directions.  I am not sure if she knows how profound she is being, but it makes me think about choices and directions and endless possibilities.        

I am so looking forward to getting home and to the possibilities that exist there.  I think about the changes in my life and the new directions that things are going.  I am infinitely intrigue by life.

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